Lee Master
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Subject: Warrior Wizard Enhanced Half-Deity

Code Name: Lee the Monster Master

Real Name: Lee (the subject has chosen the to add Andrew Master to his name recently); Lee Andrew Master

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 115 pounds

Alignment: Lawful Good

                                    Here is a current sum of the subject’s abilities.


Strength and Stamina: Original the subject’s strength was equal to a normal human, but due to recent training the subject strength it now equal to five men. The subject’s energy reserves are only slightly larger than a normal humans.


Durability: The subject is 4 times more durable than a normal human and has nearly guyver like regeneration due to his G-regeneration he has as a result of being the monster master.


Hyper senses: His ability to sense his environment is only slightly greater than a normal humans.


Speed: By all means the subject only has the speed of a normal human, though the subject’s reflexes are slightly better than a normal human.


Monster Master Abilities: Then subject is able to produce every monster attack or ability equal to or 2 times better than the actual ability. Though the subject has banned his use of this ability, some of these powers are passive like his G-regeneration  and cannot be turned off.


Pervious Ultimate Attack: The subject was able to charge all of his energy reserves and somehow some energy from his environment in to his Radiation Beam in to a powerful attack with attack power near 10 kilotons.


Ultimate Attack (Destructo Cut): This attack was taught to the subject by his father and has been used ever since. The subject takes the energy from around him and in his energy reserves and charges it in to his sword and in a slash releases a powerful blast that moves though in a strait line going complete around a whole planet and will not stop until it hits the user (those making it somewhat harmful to the user). Though the power of this attack varies depending on how long it is charged this attack has been able to reach in the megaton range. Note: It has been shown that when this attack is released at full power you can see a Godzilla’s face on the front of the attack.