Subject: Transbreed Xenomorph
Code Name: DRONE
Host: cattle, and other low evolved beings
Height: Around 6’ 3”- 6’7”
Weight: There is not enough data to make
any conclusions in this area
Here is a current sum of the subjects abilities
Strength: Around 2 men.
Durability: Due to the fact that Drone
Aliens lack kenetic armor they are venerable to most damage.
Speed: Similar to a humans.
Hyper Senses: Subject senses thing normally,
but with the help of Alien Spores drones can track foe from farther away.
Acid Spite: Drones are able to spite out
there acid blood as a range attack that can cause Crystalise Tumors from which any Transbreed that is spawned from will be
Hive Node: Drones can create hive nodes
(hive node produce alien spore which defeat predator cloaking.