Evil Lee standard Guyver form
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Subject: Guyver Enhanced Half-deity
Code Name:Evil Lee
Host Name: Evil Lee
Age: Unkown, but is physically 16
Sex: male
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 pounds
Armored Height: 6'8"
Armored Weight: 325 pounds
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Statues: Declare enemy to Lee.
Description: Lee's evil older twin brother had recently shown that he posses a special standard guyver unit and has faught Lee in his Warrior Wizard Battle Form.
                             Here is a current sum of the subjects abilities.
Strength and Stamina: The subject possesses strength equal to 400 men and the subject possesses unnatural large energy reserves which can be drained depending on weapon useage.
Durability: The subject can withstand anything within two time the power of a standard guyver pressure cannon with little more than a scratch. The subject regeneration is ten time that of a standard guyver's.
Hypersenses: The subject possesses standard guyver range hypersenses.
Speed: The subject can move at two times the speed of a normal guyver with reflexs more than 20x a normal guyver.
Gravitational powers: Subject possesses a gravity control orb located in the middle of its waist that can generate and focus gravitational energies for a variety of uses, ranging from simple flight to the generation of a Pressure Cannon.  The Pressure Cannon is a gravity weapon and is basically a ball of concentrated kinetic energy that produces the equivalent impact force of an armor piercing tank shell and has a range of over 30 meters. The subject can fire up to three Pressure Cannons in rapid succession as well as use the generating matrix of the Pressure Cannon to produce a direction shield that can block anything short of a HyperSmasher, the Pressure Cannon can also be fired single handedly at reduced power.   The only real limitation of the subjects gravitational abilities is that it only has one gravity control device so gravitation power can only be used for one thing at a time at full power, combinations like flight and pressure cannon will both work at only half their normal power level if used at same time.
Sonic Emitters: Located around mouth of subject, they produce a sonic blast that can vary intensity from just producing ear-splitting noise to actually being able to destroy objects, such as making a human head explode or destroy incoming mini missiles.  Emitters have a set radius of 45 degrees and a range of 15 to 20 meters.
Vibrational Blades: Subject has two standard retractable vibrational swords, one on each arm, composed of specialized bio-armor material and are capable of slicing easily through almost anything they come into contact with the exception of other similarly or above rated vibrational weapons or material specifically resistant to vibrational weapons attack. The subjects Vibrational blades have shown unusually high ability to withstand blades that are any where with in a 1000x its own power and not be cut.
Forehead Beam: Subject also possesses a highly efficient infrared laser orb emitter located just above the Control Medal, though the weakest of the Guyvers weapons, the laser is capable of killing standard Zoanoids and can be fired with both extreme speed and accuracy at any target within subjects field of vision.  Laser has also been shown to be able to be fired in a continuous beam that can easily slice through most material such as steel I-Beams.
Mega Smasher:  Extremely power particle beam cannon weapons, capable of destroying everything in their path.  The subject has two mega-smashers, one within each of its open able chest plates, and can be used individually for maximum control or together for maximum destruction.  It takes time to open the protective covers over the mega-smasher cannons, as well as several seconds to fully empower the beam which leaves subject vulnerable to attack.  Though power output varies from time to time, this extremely power weapon can easily destroy a skyscraper in a single blast
Though the subject units strength, durability, regeneration, and relfexs have been enhanced even though his weapon are still in the normal power ranges the subject has still proven to be a challenge to defeat this is believed to be because of the subjects fighting skills.