Subject: W’kar elemental based guyver like being.
Code Name: Ultimate W’kar
Host: Loren Deerwester
Sex: Male
Age: 15 years
Height: 6'3"
Armored Height: 6'8"
Weight: Around 120 Pounds
Armored Weight: 330 Pounds
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
Aliment / Statues: Chaotic Good; Currently co-founder and Vice President of the ADSF and declared enemy of Anubis.
Description: After accidentally discovering a pod containing a W’kar Unit created by the Kregen. He activated the
unit after thing it was a standard unit G.
Here is a sum of his current abilities.
Strength and Stamina: His strength is equal to 200,000,000 men, and his Stamina is unlimited due to his Neo Hyper Multiversal
Hyper Space In-between Dimensional Link System.
Speed: His speed can’t be rated by any normal means but can only be described as beyond god-like due to the fact
he can move faster then any god or guyver can sense or see him. Also due to this he can travel any where in the multiverse
and beyond since he is also able to travel to the Anti-verse( the Null or none existing).
Durability: His armor is made of a material that can with stand any thing with in a 100 Terraton scale without even a scratch
and it can't be cut even by Anubis's type 2 plasma blades.
Quatum Hyper Head Beam: Using a quatum Gravitional field it increases the power of his head beam to equal 1 Terraton.
Hyper subsonic supersonic emitters: His sonic emitters are Extreemly powerful releasing both subsonic and hypersonic
wave with a power almost 50,000 times a standard guyvers.
Prussure cannon: His prussure cannon is equal to a 50 Terraton blast.
Hyper plasma (type 3) Blades: An ever evolving upgraded form of similar to anubis type 2 blades that while slashing breaks
is able to analyze the subjects structure and adapt its self to allow it to cut the subject. He is also able to fire a plasma
burst from each blade(one per arm) thats equal to his prussure cannon.
Terra Smasher: A more powerful form of the mega smasher it powerful blast is equal to 100 terratons.
Neo Hyper Multi-Versal Hyper Space Between Dimensional Quantum link system: A version of a HSL that takes all energy from
the multiverse and all spaces and inbetween; and some how Quaduraples the energy to give him a more masses energy
Hyper Multi-versal Hyper Space Matrix Bomb: The subject is somehow able to create a quantum/multi-dimensional bubble around
though the energys collected by his NHMHSBDQLS to release a powerful omni-directional explosen in a similar way that Zagam
and dreadnought can, but with a power equal to a 1,000 Terraton attack capable of destroing most foes easly, but if this move
is use when warrior rage is actived is will drain him of all his energy reserves which he must sleep for a full day to
Warrior rage: This is the standard Warrior rage But has been dramaticly altered to increases all ability and powers 100
Clocking: His cloking is the same as that as anubis.
Alignment Gaurd: This system prevents him from doing anything out of his alignment, if he attacks some for no reason the
attack will stop before it hirts any one or thing, he can still cuse though.
Scan block: This system is some sort of anti-senser that somehow prevents others from gathering information of his unit,
abilities, weakness, ect though ability or even magic.
Anti-Scan block Brake: This system allows him to break throw other scan block ability so he can gain information on the
target, but it is currently unkown if this system would allow his to gain data on the Kenetic guyver since it is believed
that he has a scan block like system.
Anti-Abosrbtion: This system prevents him from being absorb though exactly how is currently unknown.
Anti-overload: This system prevents his control metal or body from the Degereneration process or power overload. this allows
him to continue fighting and using his ablilties even if his control metal is removed or destroyed.